Tuesday, April 22, 2014



I am in very good spirits today. I had a splendid workout this morning and have stuck to my healthy diet (oh, wow, one day). Anyways, in all of this cheer, I want to bake cookies. Yes, right after I mention how I am being all healthy, I have a desire to not be healthy. What a predicament I am in. Oh, well. I suppose I'll just get by on tea and a good time. That reminds me; I wrote a song and some of the lyrics were, "We'll get by, on love and wine." It's funny because I don't drink wine.

Where was I? Oh, yes. Cookies. I'll battle it out. If I make them, then I can only have a couple and maybe it'll do me some good to exercise my will-power. Then again, if I don't make them, that is also exercising my will-power. Blahhhhh.

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