Saturday, September 7, 2013

Fort Myers and Fifteen (Part Two)

The next day was cloudy, blustery, and cooler, but still nice, particularly by the beach. My parents and I set out to go to the village down the road. We stepped outside to go to the beach, and there, by the pool, was Zach, in a lounge chair. He had on sweatpants and a black and white/gray horizontally striped zip-up hoodie with ear bubs in his ears. He and I made eye contact, and I smiled, then looked away so my parents wouldn't pester me with questions.

Down the beach we walked until, after a few minutes, we arrived at a pier extending from the shops and plazas of the village center. We walked around, darting into the different shops. I found a maxi dress that I liked and bought it. We exited the store, turned a corner, and there was Zach, walking past us. Did he follow us there? I was perplexed.
The day passed by. We spent time with relatives and on the beach, but we migrated to the pool when the ocean breeze got too chilly.

Later, that night, we met again. And again, we talked and talked, enraptured by each other and locked into each other's eyes. The air had quickly gone border-line frosty. The ocean breeze was a Northeaster wind. I kept my feet in the pool, which was still pleasantly warm. I wore khaki pants, rolled up, and a yellow zip-up, hooded sweater. Needless to say, it was not enough clothing, but all I had.

At one point, I wanted to walk out onto the beach with Zach. We both got up, but at soon as the wind hit the water on my skin, I was shivering. I told him that I couldn't go out there. He laughed at me. And as I walked along the side of the pool, he playfully pretended to push me in. Soon, the night was over and I had to leave, reluctantly.

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