Tuesday, September 2, 2014

I'm Lucky

Sometimes people are lucky. That's not to say I believe in luck. Actually, I guess that does mean I believe in it. But I believe that luck is something that is granted to those that deserve it and need it. It's not handed out freely. It's not like being born into wealth or being naturally gifted with superior singing talent. Luck is a combination of Fate, Karma, and a person's soul. And you know what? While I still can't understand why, I'm lucky.

That moment. What was it? There was something about that moment that will forever linger in my mind, in my heart. I'm starting to believe it was magic. Yes, magic. That must've been what it was. And is.

There's something about you—and I know that sounds cliché, but it's true—that draws me to you. And something tells me that the feeling I'm feeling is reciprocated. There is this balance in my life that I had once lost and you have restored. But you've gone beyond restoring it. You have built to what it never was or could've been without our meeting.

Lord, I sound like such a sap; such a romantic. I suppose I am.

I love how we can coax a smile from each other. I love how we can be kids and not worry about growing up. And yet, I love how we see a real world around us. We see a real world around us but we are surrounded by fantasy. (That's hard to interpret. I just liked the sound of it.) I love how we hold each other and it feels more natural than breathing.

I'm lucky.

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