Wednesday, July 2, 2014


When this post was first published—which is strange since I haven't even finished this little writing exercise, if you will, nor have I decided what it ought to be about—this blog had just hit 1,997 views. In 1997, I was one year old. Now, of what relevance this has to what I'm about to write, I don't know. Actually, as I said, I don't know what I'm typing about, wasting up pixels like a terrible computer graphic (perhaps you've heard of Atari's "E.T." video game). Alright, I suppose it's about time to begin talking about something of at least some significance.

I was thinking earlier today, whilst wasting (I waste a lot) away the day on YouTube (but isn't that the most human thing a person of the year 2014 can do?). By the time I completed the following videos, I came up with a splendid idea.

If I ever have a grand ole group of friends—not that I don't have plenty of grand ole friends, but you know... the Friends variety of, well, friends—I plan on starting up "YouTube Night". On this night, once a month or week, we'd spend our time sharing our YouTube discoveries attempting to have the best video share. Then, we'd vote on our favorites to decide the winner.

Okay, okay. Don't ask why this began with my mentioning the view count. Maybe, just maybe, I'm subtly attempting to encourage you to share this blog and subscribe and boost my feverish writing and overall inscribed psychotic cranium explosion. Toodles, ta-ta, and take care.

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