Monday, July 16, 2012

Yore Days (Excerpt Two)

The Depression became her parent, raising her as a practical young woman with dreams behind fearful eyes. She lived on nothing except her mother's and father's good-sense. It kept her spirit alive even though around her, people were being kicked to the ground--some, below the ground--by their own achievements. When everything backfired on the world, she had a shield prepared.
Then the war came marching in and her faith seemed to be being deported to men across the oceans who needed it more. She backed down only to come up a victor. She maintained hope and love, never daring to let them fall into the darkness that was consuming the lives around her. Friends, dear and beloved friends, were shipped out. Some were never seen again after their ships disappeared beyond the horizon of the shining seas.
She kept all of that certitude about everything being alright because her everything came to the forefront. And her everything--her soldier--was sent to the front.

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